Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Someone Please Remove the Word Study from Study Abroad

So midterms week is upon us at the Universidad de Sevilla. This is the first bit of work I've had to do since being here so I can't exactly complain. Knowing that UMass has made all abroad classes pass/fail makes my level of motivation that much weaker. I just need to get higher than a 75 in my class to receive credit which shouldn't be terrible. I have a five page essay in my Arab class due about the Nasserist movement in Egypt during the post world war II era. Thrilling I know. On Thursday, I will have the busiest/best day of being here. I have two midterms, one on Spanish cinema and the other on Spanish culture studies. After that, I need to catch a bus to the airport to jet off to LONDON!!! My roommate Sam is studying their for the semester and my other roommate Caroline, who is in Paris, will also be there for the weekend as well. Yeyy for a little 250A reunion. London won't know what hit it. I am equally as excited to speak English as I am to see familiar faces. I just need to get through these next 48 hours then I am off to the land of British accents! The London Eye and Harrod's await me. Sorry this post was boring but I am positive I will have some epic stories when I return from the UK on Sunday. Until then, muchos besitos xo

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