Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bienvenidos a Sevilla!

After a thrilling 7 hour bus ride from Madrid to Sevilla, we finally made it!!! Our host mom Angeles was waiting for us near the universidad where the bus dropped us off. Much to our surprise, she didnt speak a word of English. Kelly and I had to work as a team basically to get whatever we wanted to say across. To top it all off, since both of our bags were too big to fit in the taxi, we had a fun 20 minute walk with all of our luggage to our new apartment. When we got to our new house for the next 4 months, we were greeted by our abuelita, which was Angeles' mom who lives with us. We were shown our room. Kelly and I share a room but we also have a common room and bathroom all to ourselves as well as an amazing terrace that looks out onto the street and has views of the rio. We live in such a good location. Its only a 15 minute walk to school and we get the pleasure of walking across the amazing river everyday. 

This city is absolutely gorgeous. There are literally orange trees everywhere as well as palm trees. The sun is always shinning and everyone is genuinely kind here. The weather is in the upper 60's to 70's everyday and its just FEBRUARY! I cant even imagine what May will bring. You wouldnt know it was this warm here though looking at the way that people dress. You would think that they are expecting a massive snow storm with the amount of pea coats and mittens I see. Our senora thinks we are crazy for thinking that its warm but I have to explain to her that this is our April weather.

My senora thinks I am such a picky eater, its actually kind of funny. Apparently it is unheard of for someone to not like potatoes and tomatoes. Of course it doesnt help that Kelly literally will eat anything! Oh well, guess I just have to try everything at least once. 

We are trying to be as intergrated into spanish life as much as we can and the  most obvious way is to partake in botellon. This is something that would never be allowed in America. It is basically a gathering of all the young people in Sevilla by the river to pregame and drink among national monuments. The police are totally ok with this as long as you arent destructive and loud! It blows my mind to even be allowed to buy alcohol since im not 21 but i am learning to love this! Alcohol is so cheap here and I am not lying when I say that wine is cheaper than water. The most expensive bottle of wine i have seen is 3 euros. I definitely will not complain!  

But I am off to siesta...I will write more about Sevilla and escuela later. Miss you all xo
Orange trees everywhere

and palm trees

Botellon with boxed wine :)

My terrace

My apartment right on the river

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